Explore different type of sofa furniture virtually for your home, office etc.
You can select sofa furniture items and place in your room how it will look.
You need to capture panorama image of your 3d world and then you can view various type of 3d sofa in your captured 3d world.
- By Exploring 3d Sofa items, you can easily decide which kind of sofa best fit in your home or office.
- You can change texture colour of 3d-sofa-item.
- You can capture new-furniture-items(2d) by camera.
- After taking panorama image , you can view your 3d world at any time and any place. (like you can capture your home panorama and then visit furniture shop , now you can view furniture items in your home panorama)
Capturing panorama Image :- Open iOS devices native camera and select pano option then capture pano image.